Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Participation Sheet

Go over the two ways to become a citizen and explain the naturalization process including the steps that must be taken, what citizenship means and how

The two ways to become a citizen of the United States is by birth or to be naturalized. To become a citizen through nationalization is to come a citizen if you weren't born in the U.S. See if you are eligible , completing the application and required documents, being photographed, finger printed, interviewed receiving the final decision and taking oath to become a citizen of the United States. As a citizen you can vote and be apart of the legal system and be apart of affairs that directly effect you.

Your blog entry should focus on your Political Experience, as well as on your thoughts and opinions concerning the Political Experience.

I attended a school run Young Politicians Club at my school and the topics that were discussed were immigration and abortion. Both topics were very interesting, and and I saw how these topics directly affected us; both as students and as citizens in the United States. For each debate we were divided into two groups, For and Against and we were given time to form our argument and rebuttals for the debate. We sat on opposite end of the room and waited for one another to speak, but the actual debating got pretty heated as opinions and tempers clashed in the room. It was a fun experience even though I did get frustrated from time to time from all of the noise and people outright arguing with one another. The teacher kept the peace as best she could but some of the debaters were fuming at one another regardless of what she said.